Tag bh365

Frank Bailey

Frank Bailey – Firefighter and activist 26th November 1925 – 2nd December 2015 Frank was an activist and fought for injustices until the end of his life. Originally born in Guyana, he left for New York to work on a…


A lot of people embrace this time to dress up for Halloween, Sinterklass, and Christmas. A dark aspect of this is Blackface. blackface is when a non-black person darkens their skin with charcoal, shoe polish, and exaggerate their features. The…

Black Soldiers in WW1

We mark the importance of Armistice Day by holding one minute’s silence at 11am on the 11th November remembering those who fought and died during WW1. In secondary school, I visited Ypres in Belgium. The first stop was Flanders Field…

Lewis H Latimer

Whenever we think of who invented the lightbulb a quick Google search will tell you it was Thomas Edison. Although that’s been questioned and there are claims it was an Englishman called Joseph Swan. An important element of the light…