Month July 2020

Black Caesar

September 19th is officially ‘Talk like a Pirate Day’. Who comes up with this for real haha! I’m not going to talk like a pirate, however I will tell you about Black Caesar. The notorious pirate who terrorised the seven…

Slavery and The Royal Navy

“You are to use every means in your power to prevent a continuance of the traffic in slaves.” Commodore Sir George Ralph Collier Slavery was one of Britain’s biggest earners, and there were many opposers in the country who did…

Statues Part 1

These past few months have been crazy to say the least. Following the deaths of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, there have been worldwide protests at the treatment of black people and the inequalities we face are also coming to…

The Immigration Act

Although Black unemployment was high around 1920, the UK authorities made it harder for blacks to gain employment. A measure was put in place that would later be manifested as the Immigration Acts of 1962, 1965, 1968 and 1971. The…


“His great secret was improvisation. He had an extraordinary perception of the game” Carlos Alberto Torres QUESTION: Who is the greatest ever footballer? Everyone has their own opinion, unfortunately I never made the list. I would’ve made it if it…