Tag BlackMenRead

On beauty by Zadie Smith

They are the damned and so their sadness is perfect, delicate as an egg placed in your palm. Hard, it is decorated with their face. I was apprehensive coming into this book purely because of the size of it! After…

Shankly – My Story

Do you ever start reading a book and accidentally read a couple of words in front of where you are at cos you’re that excited by the content? For all that he built and achieved, Shankly has immortalised himself into…

Alexandre Dumas

July 24th, 1802 – December 5th, 1870 This is a storytime about Alexandre Dumas, the author of The Three Musketeers. I was first introduced to Alexandre Dumas through Joseph Bologne. Bologne was the inspiration for the character Aramis in The…

My sister the serial killer

I had been waiting to read this for a long time. Over the months we’ve been in lockdown, I’ve been buying a lot of books, but instead of reading them, I have been watching a lot of documentaries! Plus some…