Tag Adeptales

At Work

Do you remember the Italian FA’s campaign to combat racism? They launched this after a number of the black players in the league spoke out about the increasing number of racist taunts suffered when playing. I strongly believe that when…

Ottobah Cugoano

We have spoken about Ottobah being part of The Sons of Africa, however, we wanted to focus on his story and journey. He was an African abolitionist who sought justice in the latter half of the eighteenth century. Ghana Born…

Leaves of Change

In June 2020, the Director of The Royal Botanic Gardens Richard Deverell wrote an article discussing racism, diversity and inclusion at Kew Gardens. Richard acknowledges that “Like so many other organisations, parts of Kew’s history shamefully draws from a legacy…

What is a microaggression?

The psychologist Kevin Nadal defines microaggressions as: “The everyday, subtle, intentional — and oftentimes unintentional — interactions or behaviours that communicate some sort of bias toward historically marginalised groups.” “The difference between microaggressions and overt discrimination or macroaggressions is that…

Andrew Watson

24 May 1856 – 8 March 1921 Scotland’s first international Black football player. Young Andrew Born on 18 May 1857, in Georgetown Demerara, British Guiana (now Guyana). His father was Peter Miller Watson. Peter was a wealthy sugar plantation owner…

Stop Asian Hate.

We were crushed to hear that a young white man by the name of Robert Aaron Long shot and killed 8 Asian people in Atlanta, Georgia on Tuesday 16th March. He attacked three different Asian owned massage parlours. The Georgia…

Meghan Markle

Like many others, we felt some type of way after watching the infamous interview with Prince Harry, Meghan Markle and Oprah. It was difficult listening to the cruelty and racism she endured. I remember the announcement of Harry and Meghan’s…

Margaret Busby OBE

Margaret Busby is the UK’s first Black female publisher. Born in Accra, Ghana in 1944, her father was called Dr George Busby and her mother Mrs Sarah Busby. Margaret was educated in Bexhill, Sussex and graduated at age 15, then…