Tag Africa

Black Caesar

September 19th is officially ‘Talk like a Pirate Day’. Who comes up with this for real haha! I’m not going to talk like a pirate, however I will tell you about Black Caesar. The notorious pirate who terrorised the seven…

Slavery and The Royal Navy

“You are to use every means in your power to prevent a continuance of the traffic in slaves.” Commodore Sir George Ralph Collier Slavery was one of Britain’s biggest earners, and there were many opposers in the country who did…

Empire – Niall Ferguson

The sun never sets on the British Empire.John Wilson, Christopher North” Upon landing in America, Sir Francis Wyatt said “Our first work is expulsion of the savages to gain free range of the country”. The British coexisted with the Natives…

The Apprenticeship Laws 1832

When is a slave not a slave? When they are considered an apprentice! Around the 1830s, Great Britain had finally heard the campaigners and sided with the abolitionists. The government passed the bill to abolish slavery. SUCCESS!  Some Brits understood…